Monday, November 14, 2011


A little over a week ago I had State Swim Team and Water Polo. My mom gave me a $50 bill for the two days I'd be there. This was to pay for my food, water polo t-shirt, and for gas for the people driving me back home. ...I lost it. The first night. I walked into Red Robin, and I knew it had been in my pocket. I ordered my food. Ate it. Got my bill. Looked in my pocket. The money was gone. I was so freaking out. I looked and looked and looked. Then I prayed. And looked and looked and looked again. I couldn't find it. I was kinda mad. I mean, honestly! I prayed that I would be able to find the money, and yet it was nowhere to be found. C'mon Heavenly Father! I wasn't being irresponsible with the money, and I needed it! Would helping me find it really ruin anything in the whole scheme of things? Then last Thursday I get a text. Apparently the people who I rode to Red Robin with found a $50 bill in their car! So I got my money back (even if it was a week late). Just goes to show you that God works on his own schedule. :) My prayer was answered eventually. :)

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