Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bringing Others Unto Christ

I have a friend.  His name is Casey Merritt.

And he is getting baptized on Saturday.

It is so exciting and wonderful!  I have never actually had a good friend of mine become converted to the church!  Although most of the missionary work was done by other friends of ours, I feel like I have helped him just by being an example and a friend to him.  I am so thankful that he has accepted the gospel and knows that it is true!


With Casey's baptism, I'm hoping it will be an opportunity for more missionary experiences with more of our friends.  Most specifically, Michael Esparza.  He is a good friend of mine... but his other friends aren't the best.  They're in a lot of my classes, and I can hear what the talk about and even how they talk, and I know it's not the best.  But I know that Mike is different.  He talks and acts like that when he's around them, but when he's around me and our friends he acts so different!  He is respectful, and I feel like that is the real him, not the immature, perverted guy like he is with his other friends.  I hope he will realize that we are his real friends who like him for who he is!  I have been praying for him, and today I even fasted for him.  I want him to soften his heart to the gospel and hopefully become converted eventually.  I want him to be genuinely happy!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


As part of the new year, I am starting official missionary prep.  I have always been preparing because missionary preparation is preparation for life, but now I am going to start specifically preparing for a mission. I'm going to make a special effort to attend the temple whenever I can, hopefully every week.  I will receive my patriarchal blessing and study it and the scriptures and pray fervently to know how I can help those around me and be a missionary now.

Mission Prep Articles, Videos, and Links:
Preparing to Serve: Suggestions for Young Women
The District
Missionary Handbook
Church Missionary Website
Dear Future Missionaries
A Message to Future Missionaries
Are You Prepared to Serve?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bloom Where You're Planted.

I've always thought about how difficult it would be to be a member of the church anywhere like Las Vegas, but apparently they are doing well.  Haha :)  I wish the Twin Falls area would have something like this.

Monday, December 31, 2012

[61] ...The New Year.

I'm thankful for the New Year.

New goals, new adventures, a new start.  I'm going to make this new year great.

This is my last post of thankfulness, but it has definitely opened my eyes to how blessed I really am. :)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

[60] ...Sister Cornia.

I'm thankful for Sister Cornia.

:)  She was my Sunday School Teacher a couple years ago, and she is wonderful.  She is so funny!  I was talking to her today at church, and I forgot how much I loved her. :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

[59] ...Having a Small Room.

I'm thankful for having a small room.

It makes it so much easier to clean. :)  And it's nice and cozy, and I wouldn't want it any other way. :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

[58] ...Snow.

I'm thankful for snow.

I know I already had a snow thankful post... but this time there's a lot of snow.  And it's staying!  Woot! :)