Thursday, December 29, 2011

"You are good. But it is not enough just to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others." --Gordon B. Hinckley

I posted this as my Facebook status. It got nine "likes", two of which were from non-mormons. One of my "mormon-bashing" friends commented on it. "He is one of the most holy men I have ever heard talk... so much respect for him." And one of my anti-mormon friends "liked" his comment. And another non-mormon friend commented "I love this guy, I bought a book that's full of his quotes, and seriously, it doesn't matter what one's religious background is, Gordon B. Hinckley's words are words to live by. I too, have a ton of respect for him." It just goes to show you that, even if you are big into a religion, or other opinion that others won't necessarily agree with, they can still respect you as long as you are a good person. Don't bash on what other people believe, just do good.

Friday, December 23, 2011

For You and Me

For the Strength of Youth (and me).

I love this book. It is my standards. Standards that any youth should want to follow. Even if you aren't LDS, the standards in this book will lead you on the right track. You will be happy. Forever.

Recently, this book was revised and updated. I do not have the new book yet. :( BUT you can read it online! Here it is! For the Strength of Youth. I promise that if you ever feel like nothing in your life is going right, if you just refer to this book and follow the council in it you will know that everything will be all right.