Tuesday, September 13, 2011

True Joy.

I have spent the past hour or so compiling a playlist of songs that make me happy. And by happy I mean they make me truly joyful. They help me know who I am and that I'm not alone. I would love for you to listen to the songs so that you will be able to feel the spirit through them and know for yourself.


In my seminary class there is a girl named Debra. She truly inspires me. Debra is mentally handicapped, but she is the purest spirit I have ever met. Even though she is different she still tries to make friends, and if people are mean to her she just keeps trying. In seminary she always tries hard to understand and do her best. I have always been taught that those her are born mentally handicapped are chosen spirits sent to Earth to help others through their trials, but that they won't be held accountable for any bad actions they may have made. Debra strives to be the best she can be, even though she wouldn't be accountable for wrong choices. I wish I could be more like her in striving to do my best. She has great integrity. Part of integrity is doing what's right even if know one is watching, I need to be better at this and Debra inspires me to be so. That is the main reason I started this blog. No one has seen it, and yet I am still writing. God knows what I'm doing, and I'm sure he appreciates it. I know that he will bring to my page those who need to hear my message.


Tonight in family home evening my sister Rebecca taught a lesson from Preach my Gospel on virtue. I am so glad that virtue was added as a value in Young Women's Personal Progress. Being virtuous is extremely important in today's society if you want to go back to live with Heavenly Father. Yes, he is forgiving, but one mistake can change you. After you repent, He will forgive you and forget of your sins, but you may never forget. The best way is to never make the mistake once. If you do it once, and repent, and promise to never do it again, there is still a weakness in you that could cause Satan to tempt you into doing it again. You do not want to fall into this trap. The slogan for the meth project is "Not even once;" this phrase should be used in all cases of immorality as well. After one time you start to become desensitized to the sin, and you might start to think "Well, it's not that bad. After all, it could be worse."

I love both of these videos. One of them shows how to remain pure and virtuous, and the other one is many different teenagers stated why they choose to be sexually pure. I recommend you watch them, even if you have no problems with purity; it is always nice to feel the spirit and be fed spiritually. Many people think that virtue is only about remaining sexually pure, this, however, is not true. "Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards." This includes all of your standards: modesty, honesty, kindness, etc. To become truly virtuous we must follow what the prophets have said. This includes living the standards in "For the Strength of Youth." I know that if we become and remain virtuous we will have true joy in our lives and we will be able to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again.

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