I am thankful for honesty.
Without honesty I would feel so guilty. Yesterday I had a paper due in English... a paper that I didn't have time to type until after English. So I typed it quickly during my seminary release (don't worry, I still went to seminary, I was just late), and I emailed it to my teacher. My teacher, not being daft, noticed that the time on the email was after class, and so she emailed me back saying that she was confused because she thought I had had my paper typed in class and was wondering why I had emailed it to her after class. She asked if I had typed it after class. My first response was to say I had typed it before class, but I didn't have time to print it out and had forgotten to email it to her. I was about to reply saying that, but I knew that'd be wrong. Scared and not knowing what to do, I ignored her email. Today I knew I had to do something about it, so I replied to her email. I told her the truth about my typing it after class. She said she appreciated my honesty but couldn't accept the paper for a grade. I feel as if I gained so much respect from her. She said she would still grade it so I would have feedback, but she wouldn't be able to put the grade in the grade book. It is disappointing that I did the work of typing the paper and didn't get any credit for it, but I know that being honest was the best decision. If I had lied, chances are she would have found out somehow, and I could have gotten in so much trouble. I am so thankful that I was prompted to tell the truth to avoid bad consequences.