Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen

It's Easter.
Forget about the bunnies and the eggs and the chocolate.
Let's think about Christ.
Think about how he suffered for us.
He suffered in Gethsemane.
He suffered at his crucifixion.
He suffered for our pain, grief, sorrow, regret, guilt, and more.
I can not even begin to fathom how much pain he went through for us.
He is my Savior and my Redeemer.
He is my older brother.
I love him.
And I know he loves me.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference, Part 2

Highlights for me:
President Uchtdorf:
~Do not judge me because I sin differently than you.~This topic of judging can actually be taught in a two-word sermon... Stop it!
~As we open our hearts to the glowing dawn of the love of God, the darkness and cold of animosity and envy will eventually fade. 
President Monson:~Moments of clarity come to all of us at one time or another, although not always through dramatic circumstances. We see clearly what it is that really matters in our lives and how we should be living.
Elder Andersen:~"What think Christ of me?"~I testify that as you love him, trust him, believe him, and follow him, you will feel his love and approval.