Sunday, January 22, 2012

Stake Conference

Today I had Stake Conference.  And it kind of was a "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" experience.  You see... last night after the adult session, some idiot decided to vandalize the Stake Center.  They through a rock through the glass door to get in.  Then they did stupid stuff, and they even kicked in the Stake President's Office's door.  (And in doing so, they left a footprint.  Heh!)  President Holmstead (Stake President) was talking today in conference about it and said, "Maybe the person who did it will drive by to see how we took it, and see that we all still came, all still sang, and all still love the gospel.  It doesn't matter what happens to the building."  It really reminded me of the Grinch because he "stole" Christmas, but it didn't matter because the whos in Whoville knew that there was more to Christmas than the commercialism.  There is more to the gospel than a nice building to worship in.  All over the world, there are people meeting for church in dirt pits and huts.  We are blessed enough to have a nice building, and if someone decides to vandalize it, we will clean it up, but won't complain.

At Stake Conference, McKay Beard, a good friend of mine for almost ten years, spoke.  It was so inspirational, and yet it made me feel inadequate.  She did such a great job and had such a strong testimony.  I feel like if I were to be asked to speak in Stake Conference, I'd turn down the offer.  It'd be too big a task for me.  I have also always thought that maybe my testimony isn't as strong as I'd like because I'm a teenager, and most teenagers' testimonies are like mine... but her talk showed me that her testimony is so much stronger than mine has ever been.  It makes me feel inadequate, like I should try harder and do better.  But I know that I am not inadequate in the Lord's eyes, and that as long as I try my hardest, I will be blessed.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Deep Beauty

As long as you smile and have sparkly eyes, nobody's going to notice your bum or your waist or your feet.  (Sort of a quote by Cat Deeley, but not word for word.)  In other words... if you shine with the light of Christ, nothing else matters.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shed Some Light

Today it snowed.  A lot.  Some people are happy, others aren't.  One of my friends posted this picture on Facebook.  It had the caption, "Took this standing outside the school... how dreary!"

When I saw that I immediately took it to photoshop.  And out came this... 

I posted it on her wall with the caption, "So... I took your 'dreary' picture and edited it!  Turns out all it needed to become a winter wonderland was the proper lighting!  :D  Kind of like an analogy to life, you know?  All you need in order to change a bad situation into a good one is the right attitude (proper lighting)!" :D

That is so true.  Whenever you think you're having a bad situation just "change the lighting."  Out of every bad situation you experience, something good will come.  You just need to change your outlook.  And if you feel like no matter what you do, you can't be positive, then pray.  God will help you.  Even if you can't necessarily be happy, optimism is all it takes to shed some light on a bad situation.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

You are a Masterpiece

mas·ter·piece/ˈmastərˌpēs/ :noun
  1. A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
  2. An artist's or craftsman's best piece of work.

Think of an art museum... there are so many different pieces of artwork displayed.  Different people prefer some pieces to others.  Some are more plain, some are more exotic, but they are all beautiful in their own way.  No two famous masterpieces are alike.

Doesn't that sound like I'm describing people, not artwork?

You are artwork, created by God.  And we are all outstanding pieces of work.  Each of us is his best creation, and we are all unique.  The only difference is that the creation that is you is constantly changing, improving.  It will never be complete because it is always becoming better.

There are times we all feel unimportant.
There are times we feel we've nothing there to give.
That our lives are like the waves upon the ocean,
Tossing to and fro, no compass from within.

But our Lord, our Father,
We are the clay, He is the Potter.
We are the work of His hands.

We are clay in His hands,
Centered on the wheel,
And as the wheel spins, the Potter molds,
Creating something beautiful.
We are clay in His hands,
And all we can become is shaped by the Master.
That's where his finest work is done.

At times along the way they'll be refining.
As flaws appear that weaken from within,
If we are pliable and trust in the Master's hands,
They can disappear as though they'd never been.

Because out Lord, our Father,
We are the clay, he is the Potter.
We are the work of His hands.

We are clay in His hands,
Centered on the wheel,
And as the wheel spins, the Potter molds,
Creating something beautiful.
We are clay in His hands,
And all we can become is shaped by the Master.
That's where his finest work is done.

Holding strong even through fire,
All our strength it will require.
But as God's vessel we emerge
And lasting beauty will endure.

We are clay in His hands,
Centered on the wheel,
And as the wheel spins, the Potter molds,
Creating something beautiful.
We are clay in His hands,
And all we can become is shaped by the Master.
That's where his finest work is done.

We are clay in His hands,
We are clay in His hands,
We are clay in His hands.

Clay in His Hands - Jenny Jordan Frogley

"You are a child of God, His crowning creation." -Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Cried.

Today my family watched this movie.

It was so sad. I knew these stories, but watching them makes you feel something else. It's almost like you experienced it yourself. It makes me think... would I have been strong enough to press on? Or would I have given up? I want to be able to say I would have kept going, but I honestly feel as if I would have not even started the journey in the first place. I yearn for a testimony like the ones these saints had. It is reachable, and it is one of my resolutions for the new year. Strengthen my testimony.